Recipes / German Fusion Wrap
Recipe Name: German Fusion Wrap

- Wraps
- Nudeln (pasta)
- Tomaten gehackt (chopped tomatoes)
- Brot (bread)
- Knoblauch (garlic)
- Zwiebeln (onions)
- Frikadellen (meatballs)
- Essiggurken (pickles)
- Käse (cheese)
- Tomaten Markt (tomato market)
- Fleischwurst (sausage)

1. Cook the Nudeln according to package instructions and set aside.
2. In a pan, sauté chopped Zwiebeln and Knoblauch until fragrant.
3. Add the Frikadellen to the pan and cook until browned and cooked through.
4. Warm up the Wraps in a separate pan or microwave.
5. Assemble the wrap by layering Nudeln, Tomaten gehackt, Brot, Käse, and Fleischwurst on the warmed Wrap.
6. Top with the cooked Frikadellen, Zwiebeln, Knoblauch, and Essiggurken.
7. Roll up the wrap tightly and serve with a side of Tomaten Markt for dipping.

Enjoy your German Fusion Wrap!