Recipes / Milch-Honig-Gemüsepfanne
Recipe Name: Milch-Honig-Gemüsepfanne

- 1 cup Milch
- 2 tbsp Honig
- 1 tbsp Stärke
- 1 Zwiebel, chopped
- 2 Tomaten, diced
- 2 Knoblauch cloves, minced
- 2 tbsp Öl
- 1 tbsp Essig
- Salt, to taste
- Pepper, to taste
- Tabasco, to taste
- 1 tsp Paprika
- 2 cups Tiefkühlgemüse (frozen vegetables)
- 4 Käsescheiben (cheese slices)
- 4 Wurstscheiben (sausage slices)
- 2 Äpfel, sliced
- 1 tbsp Zucker
- 1 tbsp Sojasoße
- 4 slices Brot
- 2 tbsp Tomatenmark
- Juice of 1 Limette
- Cooked Reis (rice) or Knödel (dumplings)

1. In a bowl, mix Milch, Honig, and Stärke until well combined. Set aside.
2. In a large skillet, heat Öl over medium heat. Add Zwiebel and Knoblauch, sauté until fragrant.
3. Add Tomaten, Tiefkühlgemüse, and Äpfel to the skillet. Cook until vegetables are tender.
4. Stir in the Milch mixture, Essig, Salt, Pepper, Tabasco, and Paprika. Cook until the sauce thickens.
5. In a separate pan, fry the Wurstscheiben until browned.
6. Toast the Brot slices and spread Tomatenmark on each slice.
7. Serve the Milch-Honig-Gemüsepfanne over Reis or Knödel, topped with Käsescheiben, Wurstscheiben, and a sprinkle of Zucker.
8. Garnish with a drizzle of Sojasoße and a squeeze of Limette juice.
9. Enjoy your delicious Milch-Honig-Gemüsepfanne with Brot on the side.