Recipes / Name: Cheesy Tomato Pasta

Make Name: Cheesy Tomato Pasta

Recipe Name: Cheesy Tomato Pasta

- Eier (eggs)
- Käse (cheese)
- Zwiebel (onion)
- Tomate (tomato)
- Pasta
- Salz (salt)
- Pfeffer (pepper)

1. Cook the pasta according to package instructions until al dente. Drain and set aside.
2. In a pan, sauté the chopped onions until translucent.
3. Add diced tomatoes to the pan and cook until they start to soften.
4. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and mix in the grated cheese.
5. Add the cooked pasta to the pan with the onions and tomatoes, and mix well.
6. Pour the egg and cheese mixture over the pasta and stir quickly to combine.
7. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
8. Cook for a few more minutes until the cheese is melted and the eggs are cooked through.
9. Serve hot and enjoy your Cheesy Tomato Pasta!