Grilled Chicken Leg with Durian and Coriander
- 2 chicken legs
- 2 chicken wings
- 1 durian, peeled and diced
- 2 tablespoons of coriander, chopped
- 2 tablespoons of shrimp paste
- 2 tablespoons of foie gras
- 2 tablespoons of soya sauce
- 1 tablespoon of miso paste
1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
2. In a medium bowl, combine the shrimp paste, foie gras, soya sauce, and miso paste. Mix until well combined.
3. Rub the chicken legs and wings with the mixture, making sure to coat them evenly.
4. Place the chicken legs and wings on the preheated grill and cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping them halfway through.
5. When the chicken is cooked through, remove from the grill and place on a serving plate.
6. Top the chicken with the diced durian and chopped coriander.
7. Serve and enjoy!