Recipes / Sweet Delight Dessert
Recipe Name: Sweet Delight Dessert

- Зефир
- Сахар
- Молоко
- Шоколад
- Мармелад
- Пряники
- Кекс
- Халва
- Вафли
- Конфеты
- Мороженое
- Сок
- Йогурт
- Желе
- Булочка

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the chopped Зефир, diced мармелад, crushed пряники, chopped халва, and crumbled вафли.
2. In a separate saucepan, heat the молоко and сахар until the сахар is completely dissolved. Pour this mixture over the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl and stir well to combine.
3. Line a baking dish with parchment paper and spread the mixture evenly in the dish.
4. Place the dish in the refrigerator to set for at least 1 hour.
5. Once set, melt the шоколад and drizzle it over the top of the dessert.
6. Garnish with конфеты and a scoop of мороженое on the side.
7. Serve the Sweet Delight Dessert with a glass of сок or a dollop of йогурт topped with желе and a side of warm булочка.

Enjoy your delicious and decadent Sweet Delight Dessert!